Wij helpen organisaties met digitale transformatie en procesoptimalisatie van purchase to pay.


Wij gebruiken verschillende cloud-oplossingen die passen bij omvangrijker organisaties.


Wij werken met verschillende P2P oplossingen die koppelen met toonaangevende ERP systemen.

White Paper | E-invoicing: Slow but Steady Adoption

E-invoicing is a typical exponent of our time. Terms such as "digital transformation", "big data", and "artificial intelligence" are often heard. But although data might be considered to be the new oil; it flows only moderately at financial departments.

In some regard, this may come as a suprise as the processing and storage of invoices in the form of data files entails merely advantages and no disadvantages. A lack of critical mass seems to play part in the slow adoption. You can read more about it in our latest white paper E-invoicing: Slow but steady adoption.

Note that the white paper is currently only available in the Dutch language.

About ICreative

As Basware and Kofax partner, ICreative delivers purchase to pay and e-invoicing solutions to large corporations and institutions. Our solutions offer more control on business spend and less complexity of the purchase to pay process.