Basware Purchase to Pay

We streamline and standardize processes in purchase and accounts payable. And we automate them with Basware and additional solutions.

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Digital transformation of purchase to pay

Purchase to pay typically involves multiple fragmented processes and dealing with unstructured documents and files. Due to a lack of insight in (tail) spend, it is unknown how much cash leaves the company at any given time. This results in too much working capital. With an intelligent, data-driven purchase to pay system, much more control is attained on company spend.


Supply chain integration

The digital transformation of the purchase to pay process goes hand in hand with integration of the external and internal supply chain. Preferred suppliers are selected and contracted, including tail spend. For each purchase a PO is created and conveyed to budget holders for approval. The invoice that follows is automatically matched with the corresponding PO. Accounts payable merely has to follow-up on errors. Based on overall performance, purchase prices and discounts on early payment can be negotiated with preferred suppliers.


Benefits of purchase to pay automation

Purchase to pay software

A digital transformation is a gradual process that requires continuous adjustment. For this reason it is important to apply automation software that can both support a company's ambitions and adapt to changing circumstances. The software must seamlessly connect purchasing and invoice processing. It has to interface with one or multiple ERP systems and administrations. And it must be able to provide insight into purchase orders and invoices that are being processed or have been processed, in order to continuously improve the purchase to pay process.

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E-invoicing and invoice processing

An automatic invoice receipt and recognition process (e-invoicing) will replace the manual / semi-automated  scan and capture process that involves PDF invoices. The deployment of e-invoicing networks will leverage the transition. Once the invoice information is available as data, invoice processing (coding and matching) can be performed automatically. The degree of automation is further maximized if coding and matching is preceded by data validation with ERP master data.


Decentralised, but regulated purchasing

Contrary to spend that serves a company's primary activity, there is much less control on spend that serves secondary activities. To reduce this unmanaged, tail spend, preferred suppliers should be selected and contracted. Next, by offering their products and services via a corporate web shop to the organization, control on spend is gained, operational purchasing costs are reduced, and invoice processing can be fully automated.


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Oortlaan 2
6716WD, Ede
The Netherlands